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GCHC Board of Directors Elects 2019-‘20 Officers

Greene County Health Care’s Board of Directors elected officers for fiscal year 2019-’20 during the June 25 meeting.


The board elected Norman Lewis as chairman and Rosa Stancil as vice treasurer. The other officers remained the same: Denny Garner, vice chairman; Norman Head, treasurer, and Bobby Nimmo, secretary. Their terms started July 1, 2019 – the start of the current fiscal year. The fiscal year ends June 30, 2020. Other members of the board include Annie Hicks, Stephanie Scott, Rose Trejo, Arturo Fragoso, Carlos Lopez and Cornelia Dawson.


The Board of Directors governs Greene County Health Care by enacting policy, approving the credentialing of medical and dental staff and planning for current and future growth of the community health center.

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